Thursday, July 4, 2024

Traces Magazine

Edition 27 of Australian history and genealogy magazine Traces is now available free online for Campaspe Library members via our subscription to Libby eMagazines.

Inside this month's issue: 

  • Heritage news
  • The Bush Inn, New Norfolk, Tasmania
  • Rescuing the past from the wreckage : the 50th anniversary of Cyclone Tracy
  • How the car changed Australia
  • Wakka Wakka resistance in the Burnett River Basin
  • Newsreels : a record of daily life
  • Do you have a story to share?
  • The name behind the frame
  • Murder or misadventure on the Moana?
  • A long-lost relative found
  • Speaking of Dulcie
  • The wild ways of Adelaide Ironside
  • The flapper
  • A labour of love
  • And more...

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