Showing posts with label Masons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Masons. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Week 34 (Aug. 19-25): Members of the Club

Last week #52Ancestors focused on a Favorite Discovery, and my focus for the post was articles I had found in the newspapers.  Another newspaper discovery I have made was that several ancestors were Masons, including my great grandfather and great great grandfather on my mother's maternal line.  These were unexpected discoveries that I found when looking for death notices for both men. 

When my great great grandfather John Clark passed away on June 11th 1894, his family placed a notice in The Age inviting friends to attend his funeral.

Directly below this first notice was another, inserted by the Brighton Union Lodge, inviting members to also attend John's funeral.  Until I found this notice I had no idea he was a Mason.

When his son, my great grandfather James Nicholas Clark died in 1924, similar notices were placed.  Which is how I discovered James was also a Mason.

The above notices were published in The Age, Friday 8 February 1924, page 16.  Like his father, James was also a member of the Brighton Union Lodge, and the Lodge placed a funeral notice alongside that of his family.  Note that in the Lodge notice has his surname listed a Clarg - spelling errors can never be discounted.