Thursday, June 28, 2018

Week 24 - Father's Day - 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Week 24 is Father's Day, and like Mother's Day in Week 19, it was a special day in the family calendar.
Father's Day was probably less stressful for Dad than Mother's Day was for my mother, as it didn't involve children invading his domain and creating a mess.  Like Mother's Day, Father's Day involved a special breakfast followed by handmade cards and handmade gifts, after which Dad usually disappeared into his shed and his garden.  As my sister and I grew older the gifts generally improved, although Dad always insisted that he didn't want a fuss, didn't want presents, didn't need anything and we weren't to waste our money.  We always made a fuss, however, and I think Dad looked forward to his special day each year.
The Green family c1974
Even after we left home, we always acknowledged Father's Day and tried to make it home whenever we could.  Father's Day when we couldn't make it back was somewhat problematic, as Dad was profoundly deaf and virtually never used the telephone, so it was generally up to Mum to relay messages and pass on our thanks and good wishes.
Gifts for Dad were often practical - knitted gloves and beanies, books and magazines, plants and goodies for his garden.  Usually a cake was made at home (with Mum's help until we grew older) and iced and decorated with much more enthusiasm than skill.  It was still a chance to say thanks to Dad, for whom family was the most important thing in his life, and acknowledge how much he did for us.

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