Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Trove Tuesday - search Tips part 2

 A useful addition to your search toolbox in Trove is the Near search, using the tilde key.

~ (near)

        Get results where keywords are found near each other, setting the 'distance' between your keywords.

       “John Argent”~2

       This example will give you results with the keywords ‘John' and ‘Argent' within two words of each other. 

       This single search will cover “John Argent”, “John T. Argent”, “John Thompson Argent”, “Argent, John”, “Argent, Mr John”, etc.

       It will also include matches with a different middle name or initial, increasing irrelevant matches

        Note: There should be no space between the tilde ~ and the phrase.

Another great way to maximise useful search results in Trove.

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