Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Week 12 (Mar. 18-24): Technology

How wonderful is technology, and how fortunate are we to have so much knowledge and so many resources for family history at our fingertips?

As I am writing this post I am taking a break from watching presentations from the wonderful RootsTech conference.  While I was not able to attend in person, technology has made it possible for me to attend virtually, both on the days of the conference itself and then allowed me to continue to enjoy more sessions online in the days and weeks that followed.

Technology has also seen more and more data and records digitised and made available online, a boon to researchers worldwide.  While not everything is available this way, for people researching family from the other side of the world online records are a huge help in our research.

Covid-19 changed all our lives in so many ways.  Genealogically speaking, the biggest impact for me was the loss of face-to-face meetings.  I missed chatting face-to-face with Genea-mates and the networking and idea sharing that goes hand in hand with meetings and conferences.  Online meetings were just not the same.

Despite the down side of online meetings, however, the rise of virtual conferences has allowed me to attend inter-state and overseas meetings that I would never have been able to attend in reality.  The genealogical community has pulled together, made use of the internet like never before, and was huge part of providing so many of us isolated at home with interest, stimulation and contact.  Technology made it all possible.


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