Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Website Wednesday - the Public Records Office of Victoria

As the State’s archival authority Public Record OfficeVictoria holds records created by Victorian government departments and authorities, the State’s courts, municipalities, schools, public hospitals and other public offices.  The records can date from the establishment of the Port Phillip District in the mid 1830s and include information relating to areas of activity managed or regulated by government such as the administration of justice, immigration, health and welfare, land, education, Indigenous communities, planning, transport, and resource management.

Of the 96 linear kilometres of records held by Public Record Office Victoria, only a small percentage is digitised and available to view online.  Many other records can be viewed in person in the PROV Reading Rooms at the Ballarat Archives Centre or the Victorian Archives Centre, North Melbourne.

Digitised records curently available in the Online Collections include:

      Passenger lists and immigration

      Wills and probate

      Education and teachers

      Health and welfare

      Koorie Heritage

      Land and Property

      Publicans and hotels

      Prisoners and convicts

      Divorce, insolvency and other civil court records

      Early Colonial administration

      Maps and plans

Digitisation of the PROV’s records is ongoing, with new records and expanded categories appearing regularly. 

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