Monday, January 20, 2025

Historic Graves Ireland

The Historic Graves project is a community focused grassroots heritage project. Local community groups are trained in low-cost high-tech field survey of historic graveyards and recording of their own oral histories. They build a multi-media online record of the historic graves in their own areas and unite to form a national resource. The project outlines a system and sequence which helps to co-ordinate and standardise an historic graveyard survey.

  • Community groups are trained to use digital cameras and smartphones to survey historic graveyards.
  • Both new and old survey records are combined with locally recorded audio and video stories to form a multi media record of a graveyard.
  • By curating and publishing the survey records centrally the individual community graveyard surveys combine to form a national resource where the value of each survey is compounded by its association with others.
  • The website allows visitors from Ireland and across the globe to freely explore and search the growing database of multimedia records and stories.
  • It allows communities to self publish historic graveyard surveys and the related multimedia stories.
  • The surveys are being funded by a number of Local Development Partnerships through LEADER funds and are supported by Local Heritage Officers, County Archaeologists and Local Authorities.
 The project currently focuses mainly on Ireland, although it also lists a few locations elsewhere in Britain, such as St Chad in Manchester and the Necropolis in Glasgow.

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