Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Trove Tuesday

This week's Trove Highlight focuses on researching the history of your home.  For many family history researchers, discovering the history of the family home can help flesh out the story of how the family came to live there, and tell stories of their lives in that house.

The article discusses the best way to locate information on the history of your house on Trove, using not just newspapers but also Australian architecture and home design magazines from yester-year which published editorials on beautiful and interesting homes and discussed changes in architecture which provide clues about when your house was built and how it may have looked originally.

Then there are Post Office Directories, Town maps and plans, and even photos and images of your home locality which may be available on Trove.  These resources all help in researching your family history via the homes your family lived in.

Once you have exhausted the resources on Trove, there are still state and territory public records offices which may hold property records - sales, changes to the property, building permits, and more.

So try researching the history of the homes your family lived in - you never know what you might find!

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