Do you have Cornish ancestors? was created by the Azook Community Interest Company to help museums, heritage organisations and private collectors improve access to the film, audio and photographic heritage that they hold.
Azook's vision was to develop a web site enabling anyone to search, view and listen to archive content. With support from the Heritage Lottery Fund, through a project called 'Out of the Box', was created. Oral history recordings belonging to community groups became the very first collections to go on line. The rest of the collection was acquired through a large range of formats, including VHS, U-matic and Hi8 decks, 8mm and 16mm cine film converters, reel to reel, cassette, and DAT decks, MiniDisc and more. Using state-of-the-art technology, this range of older and obsolete formats has been converted into digital media.
As news of the project is spread, more museums and private collectors are becoming aware of the online archive and choosing to share their collections with the public through As time goes by the project is expected to continue to expand. The archive currently contains over 31,000 items.
The site even features an interactive map which allows you to zoom and click to see items which have had locations added to them, although it is noted that not all items have locations attached to them. You can also perform a specific search or browse the collection to see what is there.